Everybody Wants to Rule the World
PFCF showlogo website2
42 Episodes16 Artists from 13 Nations

La Fundación Playing For Change nació de nuestro deseo de devolver algo a las comunidades de los músicos que conocimos a lo largo de nuestro viaje. Ven a ver de primera mano cómo la Fundación Playing For Change está creando un cambio positivo en todo el mundo a través de sus escuelas de música y programas.

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Canciones Alrededor del Mundo
Everybody Wants to Rule the World

Everybody Wants to Rule the World | Playing For Change Foundation x Young Musicians Unite

Fundación Playing For Change

Voces de Confort | 'Tula y The Sisters' Llevan Esperanza a Comunidades Afectadas | Fundación PFC

Fundación Playing For Change
Changingmentalities Udayapur Nepal THUMB PFC Fhorizontal

Cambiando mentalidades en Udayapur, Nepal | Fundación PFC

Fundación Playing For Change

¡Celebrando el Día Internacional de la Mujer! | Fundación PFC

Fundación Playing For Change
Witnessing the Power of Music PFCF

Presenciando el poder de la música | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Culture is a Right PFCF

¡La cultura es un derecho! | Fundación Playing For Change

Fundación Playing For Change
New Music Program in Uganda PFCF

¡Nuevo programa de música en Uganda! | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Roberto Slide PFCF

Tutorial de Guitarra Slide con Roberto Luti | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Making it happen thumb

Haciéndolo Realidad | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Power of music PFC foundation thumb
Fundación Playing For Change

El cambio está aquí | Fundación Playing For Change

Fundación Playing For Change
Ubuntu Music program thumb 1

Ubuntu Music Program | Rwanda | Playing For Change Fundación

Fundación Playing For Change
Music always unites us thumb

La música siempre nos une | Fundación Playing For Change

My Dream Come True thumb

My Dream Come True | Playing For Change Foundation

Stand By Me Scholarship Program Playing For Change Foundation thumbnail

Stand By Me Scholarship Program | Playing For Change Foundation

Cajuru Music Program thumb

Cajuru Music Program in Brazil | Playing For Change Foundation

Meet the Students Guem thumb

Meet the Students: Guem | Kirina, Mali | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Meet the Students Saumet thumb

Conoce a los estudiantes: Saumet | Tamale, Ghana | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Baja Musical Arts Intitiative thumb

Iniciativa de Artes Musicales Baja | Tijuana, México | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
The Mirpur Music program thumb

El Programa de Música Mirpur | Dhaka, Bangladesh | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
From Mississippi to the Saharan Desert thumb

De Mississippi al desierto del Sahara | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Meet the Students Halik Tamale Ghana thumbnail

Conoce a los estudiantes: Halik | Tamale, Ghana | Playing For Change Foundation

PFC Member Exclusive
A Celebration of Human Connection Ep 1 member exclusive thumbnail

Una celebración de la conexión humana (Ep. 1) | Playing For Change Foundation

PFC Member Exclusive
A Celebration of Human Connection Ep 2 member exclusive thumbnail

Una celebración de la conexión humana (EP2) | Playing For Change Foundation

PFC Member Exclusive
A Celebration of Human Connection Ep3 member exclusive thumbnail

Una celebración de la conexión humana (Ep. 3) | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
A Teachers Life is Changed in Mali thumb

La vida de un maestro cambia en Malí | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Meet the students Mphumzi thumb

Conoce a los estudiantes: Mphumzi | Gugulethu, Sudáfrica | Playing For Change Foundation.

Fundación Playing For Change
Thank you for believing khlong toey thumb

Gracias por creer | Khlong Toey - Bangkok, Tailandia | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
International Womens Day Celebrating 10 Years of Impact thumb

Día Internacional de la Mujer: Celebrando 10 años de impacto | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Celebrating 10 years thumb

Celebrando 10 años de cambio positivo a través de la música | Playing For Change Foundation.

Fundación Playing For Change
Music is key ghana mali thumb

La música es la clave | Ghana se encuentra con Mali a través de una canción | Fundación PFC

Fundación Playing For Change
Music Students in Ghana Unite to Record an Original Song thumb

Estudiantes de música en Ghana se unen para grabar una canción original | Playing For Change Foundation.

Fundación Playing For Change
Jean paul samputu music and forgiveness thumb

Jean Paul Samputu: Música y perdón | 20 años después del genocidio | Playing For Change Foundation.

Fundación Playing For Change
PFC Band visits PFCF Curitiba

La banda Playing For Change visita la escuela de la Fundación Playing For Change en Brasil | PFC Band

Fundación Playing For Change
Kirina ecole thumb

Una visita a la nueva escuela de música de Kirina | Mali | PFCF.

A Look at the Tintale Village in Nepal PFCF

Una mirada al pueblo de Tintale en Nepal | Playing For Change Foundation

Fundación Playing For Change
Mambo Sawa Sawa PFCF

Mambo Sawa Sawa: Los estudiantes y el personal de la PFCF en Ruanda y Uganda se unen para grabar una canción.

Fundación Playing For Change
Cahuita music program PFCF

Bienvenidos al programa de música de Cahuita en Costa Rica | Playing For Change Foundation.

Fundación Playing For Change

Conoce a Anu, mentora vocal en el Musica Music Institute en Nepal

Fundación Playing For Change
Kiran Nepali PFCF

Reúnete con el maestro de sarangi Kiran en Katmandú, Nepal | PFCF

Song from the Joudour Sahara Students PFCF

Una canción de los estudiantes de Joudour Sahara.

Fundación Playing For Change
Gonje PFCF

Escucha el Gonje, un instrumento de cuerda tradicional del norte de Ghana.

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Producers journey
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