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Cler Achel | Tinariwen | Live Outside

About this Video

It was a hot day as usual in Bamako, Mali, when the PFC crew met Tinariwen, a group of Tuareg blues musicians, in front of a downtown club. We walked around the neighborhood together, looking for a good place to film and record. Luck was with us and we soon found a nearby yard with a large tree for shade. The next thing we knew the music started playing, children gathered for their own personal concert, and we all transcended to a place with no time, no fear, and no difference between us.

Written by: Ibrahim Ag Alhabib

Eyadou Ag Leche: Electric bass & vocals
Ibrahim Ag Ahabib: Electric guitar & vocals
Saïd Ag Ayad: Djembe
Wounou Walet Sidati: Vocals & claps

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