


This song gave me chills, still does, when I read, as they played and sang, of the far reaching places they all were. Coming together like they did with music, and the help of today's technology, brought everyone who watched into a realm where the world is a much smaller place. A familiar song, sung and played with such depth that one could not resist being swept up in the global spirit of it. My hat is off to you, deep bow

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The Making of “Stand By Me” | 20th Anniversary | Member Exclusive

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As we continue our PFC 20th Anniversary celebration, join us on a journey back to 2004, during the creation of our first Song Around The World, “Stand By Me,” featuring the legendary Roger Ridley, our beloved Grandpa Elliott, Clarence Bekker and 25 musicians from all over the world. Enjoy our co-founder, Mark Johnson, sharing memories from this amazing production that transformed hearts around the globe.

No matter how many things, in life, divide us, they’re never going to be as strong as the power of music to bring us together. We are all so connected and with music we become one family all over the world. —Mark Johnson

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