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Vanessa de Almeida

Lisbon, Portugal

Born in Faro, Portugal in 1981, Vanessa de Almeida is mother of two teenage musicians, lover of arts and self-taught. It was in percussion that she found his way of expressing herself.

Through her husband, master and companion Sérgio de Almeida, she discovered percussion in a format that focuses on the Mandingue tradition and its rhythms.

As part of her career she has played with several bands and participated in several festivals such as World Music Festival MED. Since 2006, she has been part of the Rhakatta Percussion Orchestra where she plays djembe and doum doums.

“It was with great pleasure and joy that I received and accepted the invitation to participate in the Playing For Change video in a partnership between Portugal, Brazil and Angola. I loved playing some of the percussion for the fabulous song "Mona Ki Ngi Xica," from the great Bonga. -Vanessa de Almeida

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