Minstrels of Hope
The Minstrels Rhythm of Hope is a service oriented choral group. As performers, they play a very important advocacy role, increasing public awareness of the plight of the underprivileged in our society. They also generate support for themselves and the poor in their community. Through their involvement at the grass roots level, they share their best with the least, enhance the potential and skills of underprivileged children and enrich their lives. Those involved freely give of themselves in offering less fortunate youths opportunities that develop their artistic talents. They are also the Instructional Managers of every program and activities of the Minstrels Rhythm of Hope Inc. In their individual lives, they become witnesses to love and concern and they demonstrate solidarity with those who are less fortunate and are under their care.
This truly inspirational choir comprises 11 ladies, ranging from 16 to 30 years old, all coming from the hard scrabble world of the urban poor, but who also bring hope, joy and inspiration to their clients and sponsors and donors.
In this way the Minstrels of Hope fight poverty as a group. It is their humble contribution to their civic community, striving for a brighter tomorrow and a better world. Their work may only be a drop in the ocean, but the Minstrels keep fighting, believing that they can make a difference in other people's lives, believing that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that they are going to let it shine. They also believe that they can inspire people and give hope to those in extreme poverty.
This truly is an example of the poor helping the poor. These Minstrels not only wow audiences around the world, they give back to the communities - the same poor communities – from which they came. As a choral group, they perform at different occasions such as anniversaries, reunions and school activities.
While creating an awareness of their plight as coming from the underprivileged, they are also restoring their sense of dignity and developing trust and strong confidence in them. This also serves as a means of livelihood
They have toured widely – in Europe, North America and Asia – in pursuit of their dreams and goals.
To date, the Minstrels have performed in:
Thailand 2008 and 2009
Visayas Tour 2008 and 2014
Hong Kong 2013
Europe 2009 and 2015
Canada 2011 and 2015
The Minstrels of Hope serve as a vibrant example that nothing is impossible. Indeed, nobody is too poor to have nothing to give and nobody is too rich to not need anything.
The Minstrels are not rich, but they are not too poor to keep SHARING THEIR BEST WITH THE LEAST.
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