
Brewing Harmony: Traditional Medicinals and Playing For Change Unite for a Better World

In today's global landscape, the unique partnership between Traditional Medicinals and Playing For Change represents a significant step forward in integrating cultural expression with sustainable health practices. This collaboration merges the universal appeal of music with the holistic benefits of wellness teas, creating a synergistic model that supports both environmental sustainability and cultural preservation.

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A Match Made in Harmony

This collaboration isn't just about business – it's a symphony of shared values, sustainable practices, and a commitment to making our planet a better place, one cup and one song at a time.

Traditional Medicinals, the wellness tea pioneer since 1974, and Playing For Change, the global music phenomenon, have joined forces committed to sustainability, ethical practices, and connecting people across the globe. Now, they're amplifying their impact together.

Just as Traditional Medicinals carefully selects and ethically sources its herbs, Playing For Change handpicks talented musicians from diverse cultures. Both organizations understand that true sustainability goes beyond the environment – it's about nurturing communities and preserving cultural heritage.

From Leaf to Note: Educating for a Better Tomorrow

This partnership recognizes that education is the key to long-term change. Traditional Medicinals invests in educational opportunities in their herb-sourcing communities, while Playing For Change provides music education to nurture talent and foster cultural exchange. Together, they're creating a world where knowledge and creativity flow as freely as music and tea.

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Connecting the Dots: Local Efforts, Global Impact

Like a perfectly brewed cup of tea, this partnership brings together the best of both worlds. Traditional Medicinals connects consumers to the source of their ingredients while Playing For Change unites global audiences with local musicians. The result? A rich blend of shared human experiences and cultural values that transcends borders.

Inspired by these commitments, Playing For Change has decided to support Traditional Medicinals’ goals by sharing the mission to honor and preserve global cultures through empowering people with music education and healthcare. In honor of this effort, we are releasing a new video from our Live Outside series, a tribute to U2’s 'One,' featuring Roberto Luti and Clarence Bekker.

Traditional Medicinals has made a strong commitment to sustainability and ethical sourcing, and to further these goals, they established the WomenServe Foundation. This foundation supports the communities, particularly in India, where Traditional Medicinals source many of the herbs used in their teas. Through the WomenServe Foundation, Traditional Medicinals empowers women and girls in these areas by improving access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

Read the story of Mamta here

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Nirma's Story - Traditional Medicinals

WomenServe also emphasizes traditional arts and crafts as a means of economic empowerment, supporting initiatives that help women in rural communities learn and hone craft skills, such as textile weaving and jewelry making. WomenServe also advocates for and facilitates social change by engaging in advocacy at local and regional levels, aiming to shift public policies and practices towards greater gender equality.

Thar Artisan Collective

The Thar Artisan Collective (TAC) started as a social impact initiative in 2015. It is a group of women from Western Rajasthan, India working to combat poverty in the Thar Desert and end a generational cycle of economic insecurity for women. Each artisan develops her handicraft skills, grows her household income, and creates new opportunities for herself and her daughters.

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Women’s Innovation Network

The Women’s Innovation Network (WIN) was launched in 2023 as an education initiative uplifting young women to be the next generation of change-makers. Through this program, WomenServe aims to showcase the strength and success of young women by advocating their rights with the opportunity to learn.

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Together, Traditional Medicinals and Playing For Change are proving that when business and art align for good, the result is nothing short of magical. So, brew a cup of your favorite Traditional Medicinals tea, turn up the volume on a Playing For Change video, and join us on this beautiful journey of sustainable wellness and global harmony.

Ready to be part of this exciting journey? Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Sip sustainably: Explore Traditional Medicinals' range of ethically sourced, wellness-promoting teas at www.traditional medicinals.com.

  2. Tune in to change: Become a PFC member for exclusive music releases, downloads, videos, and more inspiring content.

  3. Spread the word: Follow Playing For Change on social media and share our mission with your friends and family.

Don’t forget to follow Playing For Change by becoming a PFC member to get access to exclusive releases, music downloads, videos, and much more content!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PlayingForChange/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/playing4change/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/playing4change
Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@playing4change?_t=8XHNmPDZwX8&_r=1

One Love, One Cup, One World!
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