Twin Eagle drum Group

Twin Eagle Drum Group

United States

Based in Zuni, New Mexico, The Twin Eagle Drum Group continues a tradition of music that traces back 60,000 years. The group fuses ancient drumming techniques with vocal harmonies to create a powerful sound that represents the traditions and beliefs of the Native Zuni people.

How we met:

The award-winning Northern Cheyenne singer, Shelley Morningsong, and her husband, Fabian Fontanelle, crossed our path many years ago while we were filming the first Playing for Change documentary, “A Cinematic Discovery of Street Music.” When we began production on the latest Playing for Change film, “Peace Through Music”, we thought it would be wonderful to be able to incorporate the Zuni’s ancient drumming into this global project. The Zuni people keep both their history, and how they are represented to the world, sacred. To include The Twin Eagle Drum Group in “Peace Through Music,” we first needed to present our vision to the elders of the Zuni Community and get their approval. After our meeting they were excited and honored to be a part of our musical journey. To honor their history, we filmed near Dowa Yalanne, the Zuni’s sacred Corn Mountain where their first village was created.

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