A Father’s Lullaby Inspires a Movement

The Song “Littlest You” began as a Father’s lullaby for his unborn child. It was the intent of Songwriter/Producer Scott Reid, to complete the song after his daughter’s birth, however she came much too quickly and was born premature, at only 24 weeks of gestation. Madeline’s condition at the time of birth required the highest level of care available, so she was born in a specialized Hospital over 200 km away from her parents home. Sadly, Madeline did not survive past one month, but in that one month, she inspired her father to make the commitment to spread the story of his love for his daughter through this song, with each new version benefitting more and more people worldwide, through charitable relationships.
“Littlest You” and the French version “Ma Toute Petite” were released simultaneously in the Spring of 2016, through Live Large Music. The beneficiary of the original version is Ronald McDonald House Charities Hamilton, where Mr. Reid and Madeline’s mother stayed during the short life of their beautiful baby girl. They will forever cherish those precious moments with her.
Mr. Reid wants only to bring the most honor possible to her memory, through the many subsequent versions to be released. Beneficiaries of the Littlest You Project can be found throughout the world and they focus on bringing a better quality of life to children and families, no matter what their circumstances may be.
As each version is created, the Translators and Vocal Performers are deeply involved, working with Live Large Music to ensure that proceeds created through all versions of this song, reach the maximum amount of people in need. "It is our hope that by telling this story in as many languages as possible, we will give others in many cultures the opportunity to take part in this Global Project, thereby having a much better understanding of the inspiration behind the song and the importance of the Project itself. As the Project continues to grow and unify cultures throughout the world, we are striving to set a new Guinness World Record for most versions of a song. We have a long way to go, but we are always seeking more translators and vocal performers to help us along the way," says Reid.
If you are interested in translating and or singing a version representative of your culture, please email: littlest.you.languages@gmail.com (put your language in the subject line)
Learn more about the Littlest You project: