Tom Nascimento
Tom Nascimento got his first guitar when he was 8 months old, starting his guitar lessons at 6 years old. After that, his passion for music grew more and more. He started his music career very young; at 19 years old he was playing in bars and at small concerts. He decided to stay in the music business and nowadays he is one of the most incredible artists in Brazil. Nascimento is inspired by Legiao Urbana, Titos, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Tim Maia, Nito Landau, Johnny Herno, Jorge Benjor, James Brown, Gonzaguinha, Djavan, Cazuza, Rock, Reggae, Blues, Funk, and Brazilian songs. In 2008, he did a solo tour in Italy, which was an amazing experience. He had the opportunity to sing his own song, “La Formica Tereza”, a song combining Italian and Portuguese. These days, Tom’s new concert is named "Funk-se, Rock-se" and he has composed many other new songs, which can be found on his official website.
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